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Original Post: 12/10/2013, 2:27 pm Q: What IS NUMEROLOGY?   Time, as we generally view it and use it, is gauged and represented by devices- such as clocks and calendars in linear perception.  But, there are INternal devices that are turning on withIn the Human Collective Participants.   The platforms, systems, and languages of measure and sequence support the observation and utilization of vibratory DATA found in the cyclic "behavior" of linear Time.  But the paradox in Time, the platform of measure that is percieved to set the pace of what "is" in our life experience, is that    TIME IS AN ILLUSION, yet it is also a system of physical focus and PRACTICE within what we  perceive as the physical reality.   NUMEROLOGY, as I practice and teach it, is simplistic:    THE STUDY OF THE CYCLES OF FREQUENCIES, AS REPRESENTED BY NUMBERS AS SYMBOLIC REPRESENTATION OF SPECIFIC FREQUENCY PATTERNS.   Using the Gifts of the NUMBERS IN TIME in your personal reali

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